Management Structure
Deaf Village Ireland was always designed as a community development project to ensure that the Deaf community had a home of its own and one that they managed.

With this in mind two companies have been set up – one to build the Deaf Village and manage the Sports Centre and the other to manage and operate the Village itself i.e. the administration, heritage, social, community, lifelong learning, religious etc activities.
Each organisation will pay Deaf Village Ireland Limited an agreed ‘rent’ to pay employees salaries and maintain the Village.
The first company is called National Deaf Village Sports and Leisure Company Limited and is a company comprising Directors from CIDP, Deaf Sports Ireland and the Dublin Deaf Association.
The second company called the Deaf Village Ireland Company Limited is made up of Directors from all of the Deaf organisations who are operating from the Village namely; the Irish Deaf Society, Catholic Institute for Deaf People,, Dublin Deaf Association, Deaf Sports Ireland, Irish Deaf Youth Association, Sign Language Interpreting Service, Sign Language Association of Ireland, Hot desk, National Chaplaincy for Deaf People and Citizens Information Centre.
- National Deaf Village Sports and Leisure Company Limited set up to build Village
- CIDP leased land / building to National Deaf Village Sports and Leisure Company Limited
- National Deaf Village Sports and Leisure Company Limited will run Sports Centre (5-10 years)
- National Deaf Village Sports and Leisure Company Limited will license land to Deaf Village Ireland Limited.
- Deaf Village Ireland Limited will manage Village.
- Deaf Village Ireland Limited is comprised of all the Deaf organisations on the site.